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Dorin Recean, head of Chisinau government, attends Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum

Moldova is under hybrid attack in the context of the Ukraine war, said the head of Chisinau government Dorin Recean at the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum organized in Bucharest.


Moldova is under hybrid attack. Rockets are not yell falling over Chisinau, due to the Ukrainians, but Moldova is under hybrid attack – propaganda, cyber attacks, protests paid to provoke and destabilize Moldova, interethnic hatred actively promotedby Russian channels and so on,” Recean said.


In this respect, he added, institution capacity was consolidated in Moldova.

Moldova understands its role in this conflict in this security situation full of challenges. We understand that we must participate by defending a 1,200 km border which is also the EU border,” he said.


In case of war close to us, as it happens in Ukraine, we have attempts increased by various crossborder crimes and Moldova has consolidated its capacities, together with EU countries and the US, in order to cope with these increased challenges. The challenges of this Black Sea war are already obvious. I think it was less clear when Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014 and occupied Crimea. In this process of negotiating routes of ensuring logistic chains we see how important the Black Sea is, beyond Russia's capacity to attack Ukraine and Europe in the Black Sea,” the premier pointed out.

