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Romania has a national stand at the Marche du Film Cannes


Seven Romanian companies participate under the national flag in the Marche du Film Cannes international movie industry fair running May 16 - 24, 2023, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism (MAT) announced on Thursday in a release.

Romania's participation in this event is ensured by MAT in cooperation with the Romanian Film and Television Association - Creative Romanian Film Makers (CRFM).

"The fair is more than a market for films and audiovisual content, positioning itself as a platform for innovation and change. The Marche du Film is an event that goes along with the well-known Cannes Film Festival, a traditional event that has seen Romania's successful participation throughout the years," the release states.

The Romanian companies participating in the Marche du Film Cannes are: Catchwave, GAT Transylvania Films, Idea Film Distribution, Malno, Libra Films, Transylvania Film and Western Transylvania Studios.

Romania participates with a 32 sqm national stand that will host seven screenings for specialists, intended to increase the visibility of the Romanian film industry: Clara, Clouds of Chernobyl, Occasional Spies, Playback, Sabina, The Goat and Her Three Kids and The Secret of Pin-Up Island.

The Romanian production The Goat and Her Three Kids was already purchased and distributed by one of the video-on-demand platforms which also popular in Romania. 

(Photo: https://www.facebook.com/marchedufilm/)
