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EC allocated Romania 17.68 milion euro for the programme milk, fruits and vegetables in schools in 2019/2020

The European Commission (EC) allocated Romania the sum of 10.815 million euro for the programme of distribution of milk in schools and the sum of 6.866 million euro for the programme to encourage consumption of fruits and vegetables in schools, according to the data presented on Wednesday by the community executive.

The figures show that, against the school year 2018/2019 Romania was allocated a higher sum of money, 10,815 million euro against 10.743 million euro for the programme of the European Union (EU)for distribution of milk in schools, while the allocated sum for the EU programme for the consumption of fruits and vegetables in schools was not modified , at 6,866 million euro.

The community executive said that over 20 million children from approximately 159,000 schools took part in 2017/2018 to the EU programme for the consumption of milk, fruits and vegetables in schools. During the mentioned period, a total quantity of 255,500 tons of fresh fruit and vegetables and 178 million milk litres were distributed to the European school children due to a sum of over 182 million euro from the EU budget.
‘Due to this programme, our young citizens can benefit from nourishing food, safe and of high quality which the  European farmers produce and at the same time they can learn where these produce come from’ stated the European commissionaire for agriculture and rural development, Phil Hogan.

Besides the decisions which are connected to the implementation of the programme, such as the choice of the learning activities or other agricultural produce which could be distributed to the children, the member states have the possibility to supplement  the EU aid with national aid for the financing of the programme.
