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Eurostat: Romania was a leader in the EU for the increase of retail sales, in March

The retail sales in the EU and the euro zone dropped in March, but Romania is among the member states with the highest raise of sales, both from one month to another and in annual rhythm, show the data published on Friday by Eurostat.

According to the data, the retail sales dropped by 1.2% in the euro zone and by 1.1% in the EU, in March 2023 as compared to February. The most important reductions of retail sales were recorded in Latvia (minus 2.7%), Germany and Poland (both minus 2.4%). At the other end, the most important increase of retail sales from one to another was recorded in Romania (2.9%).

Annually, March 2023 as compared to March 2022, the retail sales dropped by 3.8% in the euro zone and by 4.1% in the EU. And in this case, Romania is among the countries with the highest increase of sales, due to an advance of 7.2% being surpassed only by Spain, where the retail sales increased by 10.8% annually.

The analysts interviewed by Reuters expected that retail sales in the euro zone to register a drop of 0.1% in April as compared to March and a drop of 2.7% annually.

Eurostat says that in March as compared to February the retail sale in the EU was influenced by the drop by 1.2% of the food, beverages and cigarettes, non-food followed by a decline of 1.1% of the non-food products sales.
In exchange, the fuel sales increased by 1% from one month to another.


Annually, the retail sales in the EU were influenced by the drop, by 6.6%of the sales with food, beverages and cigarettes, non-food, as well as by the reduction by 3.2% of the sales of non-food. In exchange, the fuel sales increased by 2.8%.

As for Romania, the National Institute for Statistics (INS)informed that the volume of the turnover in the retail ( with the exception of vehicles and motorcycle sales) gross series, in March 2023 as compared to the previous month, increased, as a whole, by 17.9%. On adjusted series depending on the number of working days and season, the business in the trade increased, as a whole, in March 2023 by 2.9%.

Similarly, the volume of the turnover in the retail (with the exception of vehicles and motorcycles sales)gross series, in March 2023, as compared to March 2022 registered an increase, as a whole, by 7.3%. On adjusted series depending on the number of working days and season, in March 2023 as compared to March 2022 the business increased, as a whole, by 6.7%.
