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Exports of cereals and cereal based products amounted to 294 million euros in January 2023

In January 2023, Romania exported cereals and cereal based products of 293.8 million euros, on the drop by 25.5% compared to the same period of 2022, according to data centralized by the National Statistics Institute (INS).


On the other hand, in January 2023, Romania imported cereals and cereal based products of 185.8 million euros (+84.8%).


Commercial excess for this product segment was 108 million euros in January.

According to INS, corn exports of 135.348 million euros, wheat exports of 109.7 million euros were made in the mentioned period of time.


On the other hand, sunflower seeds of 44.121 million euros and corn of 84.936 million euros were imported.
