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MAE: 22 Romanians and 4 family members registered or contacted by Romania's Embassy in Addis Ababa for evacuation

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) informs on Sunday evening, in the context of the developments related to the security situation in Sudan, that, so far, at the level of Romania's Embassy in Addis Ababa a number of 22 Romanian citizens and four family members, Sudanese citizens, have registered their presence and/or have been contacted by the Romanian diplomatic mission for evacuation.

"The MAE mentions that, in the context of the developments related to the security situation in Sudan, the inter-institutional task-force for managing the situation, activated from the order of the Foreign Affairs Minister, Bogdan Aurescu, as of 16 April 2023, has continued its activity to support and grant assistance to the Romanian citizens who are on the territory of Sudan, in view of the safe evacuation of those who requested it. Ever since the activation of the inter-institutional task-force, numerous steps have been taken, through the involved Romanian diplomatic missions and institutional partners, in order to identify and contact the Romanian citizens and their family members in Sudan, as well as to establish optimal methods of evacuation," a press release informs.

The quoted source brings to mind that the activity of Romania's Embassy in Khartoum has been suspended in 2021, and the consular assistance and protection services for the Romanian citizens in Sudan are ensured by Romania's Embassy in Addis Ababa (the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia).

Taking into account the deterioration of the security situation, as of 17 April 2023, the travel alert for Sudan has been raised to level 8 of 9 (exercise extreme caution).

"The inter-institutional task-force continues its activity round the clock, monitoring the developments in the area and keeping contact with the Romanian citizens of Sudan and with the other EU member states, in view of evacuating the Romanian citizens and their family members who have expresses the wish to be repatriated. The MAE firmly recommends all Romanian citizens who are on the territory of Sudan to urgently contact Romania's Embassy in Addis Ababa and communicate their own coordinates so they can be contacted if necessary," the MAE underscores.

The Romanian citizens can request consular assistance at the telephone number of Romania's Embassy in Addis Ababa: +251 116 622 675, the calls being redirected to the Contact and Support Center of Romanian Citizens Abroad and taken over by the Call Center operators on a permanent basis.

Moreover, the Romanian citizens have at their disposal the emergency telephone number of the diplomatic mission: +251 935 350 059.
