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FIC Welcomes E-VAT Amendments

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) welcomes the amendments to the e-VAT normative act, agreed upon with the Ministry of Finance representatives during the meeting on June 27.

The modifications decided upon include:

  • A 6-month grace period during which no penalties will be applied, and the VAT information statement will not affect the taxpayer’s tax risk.

  • The possibility of testing the system during a 6-month pilot phase.

  • Access to data collected from taxpayers by ANAF through the SPV.

  • The establishment of a consultative group by the Ministry of Finance and ANAF to identify necessary adjustments for the proper functioning of e-VAT in collaboration with the business environment.


FIC emphasizes that the digitalization and modernization of ANAF are essential for increasing tax collection, reducing the VAT gap, and easing the pressure on the state budget. For over a decade, FIC has contributed position papers and good practice examples to support these efforts.


The digitalization measures of tax administration—such as SAF-T, e-Invoice, and e-Transport—require sustained efforts from companies. These measures demand predictability throughout the implementation process and close collaboration between the business environment and the Ministry of Finance to identify and resolve blockages.


Companies expect that implementing these measures will lead to better tax collection, simplified fiscal compliance, and a reduced administrative burden. Therefore, data already collected by ANAF should be analyzed, and no additional measures should be taken that excessively burden taxpayers.


Adopting good practices from other countries, which have achieved higher tax collection through digitalization and conducted studies to detect fiscal gap causes, established clear measures, and set a feasible implementation timeline, is also recommended.

