Gov't wants to create an Office for Promoting Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the United States of America
Romania's Office for Promoting Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the United States of America will be created in order to facilitate the connections between the Romanian higher education and research institutions with public and private institutions in the US, a Government release reveals.
The Government states that the functioning and organizing details of the office will be established afterwards, through a bill following consultations between the representatives of the National Education and Scientific Research Ministry and the ones of the Foreign Affairs Ministry with US authorities. In order to materialize this project and the bilateral platform in the education area, the National Education and Scientific Research Ministry will begin the discussions with the American side.
According to the release, the joint development programs and good practice exchange is envisaged, through capitalizing on the funding opportunities of international bilateral research and innovation, as well as by attracting several American research organizations/ institutions in Romanian projects such as: Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) or the "Danubius-RI" International Center of Advance Studies for the sea-delta-river system, clusters of the automobile industry, IT area, or attending the strategic projects in which Romania has an interest or an expertise (the research area which target Mississippi - Mexico Bay Delta).
The activities and actions necessary for the preparation and start of the Romanian components construction of the DANUBIUS-RI project, Pan-European infrastructure which will facilitate the research, innovation and exchange knowledge on rivers-sea systems, were approved through a Memorandum in the Government meeting on Wednesday.
According to a release of the Executive, the funding of the completion stages of Romanian components, the Danube Delta Advance Research and Coordination Center (DANUBIS-RI hub) and Data Center, will be made through the Competitiveness Operational Programme COP- CDI Axis.