ICCJ notifies Superior Council of Magistracy following public statements on judges
The High Court of Cassation and Justice (ICCJ) decided on Monday to notify the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) in order to determine whether the public positions of late about the HCCJ and its judges could affect their independence, impartiality or reputation.
According to a ICCJ press release, the General Assembly of Judges of the ICCJ discussed on Monday some topical issues regarding the activity of the court and the public positions expressed about the ICCJ and its judges.
"Following the debates that have taken place, the following have been decided: the issuance of an address to the Superior Council of Magistracy, in order to exercise the attributions stipulated in article 30 paragraph (1) of Law No. 317/2004 on the Superior Council of Magistracy at that time when the independence, impartiality or reputation of judges are affected by various public attitudes or assertions," the statement reads.
The Supreme Court also calls on the media institutions to show balance when picking up and disseminating unsubstantiated information about the work of the courts and the conduct of judges.
The General Assembly also decided to call on individuals and institutions that make public statements to present the evidence that supports their statements.