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  • School population within the national education system was 3,578.6 thou pupils and students1 in the school/academic year 2017-2018, decreasing with 18.7 thou as against the previous school/academic year.

  • Vocational education and tertiary education were the education levels in which the school population increased (with 6.9%, respectively 1.4%) as against the previous school/academic year.

  • Number of graduates of the school/academic year 2016-2017 was of 497.6 thou pupils and students, decreasing with 0.3% as against the previous school/academic year

Persons enrolled in the school/academic year 2017-2018

In the school/academic year 2017-2018, almost a half of the school population was registered in the primary and lower-secondary education (46.9%) and about one third in the upper secondary, early childhood and pre-school education (17.8%, respectively 15.1%). Of the total school population belonging to the national education system, 50.1% were male pupils/students and 71.4% studied in urban areas, the Na?ional Institute of Statistics informs.

As against the previous school/academic year, tertiary education and vocational education were the levels which register school population increases (+7.3 thou students/learners, respectively +5.8 thou pupils). In vocational education were enrolled 90.2 thou pupils, remaining the least representative level in the total school population (2.5%).

Primary and lower-secondary education, as well as upper secondary education experienced the sharpest decline in the number of pupils enrolled in the school year 2017-2018, as compared to the previous one (-17.5 thou, respectively -13.1 thou).

The education units’ network functioning in the school/academic year 2017-2018 mainly belonged to the primary and lower-secondary level (57.2%), upper secondary level (21.2%), respectively early childhood and pre-school education level (17.1%). Most of the school population (95.4%) was enrolled in public school units and only 4.6% in private education units. By education level, the lowest share of pupils/students enrolled in public education institutions were recorded in tertiary education (87.5%), respectively in post-secondary education (56.6%).

School-aged population enrolment rate in the school/academic year 2017-2018

Enrolment rate of pupils in the age group 11-14 years registered the highest level (89.8%), as compared to those of the remaining age groups. In tertiary education, 538.9 thou students were enrolled in the academic year 2017-2018, of which 54.2% were female students.

The most attractive fields of study (as per the ISCED-F classification) in tertiary education were for business, administration and law (23.8% of total number of students), respectively for engineering, processing and construction (21.0% of total students).

At territorial level, school population in school/academic year 2017-2018 registered the highest values in North-East region (623.0 thou persons), respectively in Bucharest-Ilfov regions (506.8 thou persons).

School population distribution by development regions and education levels in total region shows that the highest share for primary and lower-secondary education was recorded in South-Muntenia region (54.4%), meanwhile tertiary education registered the highest values in Bucharest-Ilfov region (34.8%). By contrast, post-secondary and foremen education registered the lowest shares in, Centre, Nord-East and Bucharest-Ilfov regions (2.0% each).

Teaching personnel in the school/academic year 2017-2018

In the school/academic year 2017-2018, teaching personnel belonging to the national education system summed up 236.2 thou persons. Thus, the average ratio between school population and the number of teachers was 15 pupils/students per teacher.

The female teachers have a majority share both for the entire educational system (77.8%) and for each education level: early childhood and preschool education (99.7%), primary and lowersecondary (80.1%), post-secondary and foremen (77.0%), upper secondary (71.5%) and vocational (68.2%).

School/academic year 2016-2017 graduates

The number of graduates in lower secondary, upper secondary, post-secondary and foremen education, respectively, tertiary (Bachelor, Master and Doctoral studies, post-graduate courses and post-doctoral programs) education levels, was 497.6 thou pupils and students in the school/academic year 2016-2017.

The majority of graduates were females (260.6 thou), which represented 52.4% of the total graduates. At the end of the school year 2016-2017, 171.4 thou pupils graduated the lower-secondary education level, most of them graduating from school units in the North-East region (20.3%). Boys’ share (51.0%) slightly outruns that of girls, with 1.9 percentage points.

Lower-secondary graduates in urban areas represent 53.9% of total number of graduates at this level; however, at territorial level, greater shares of graduates from education units in rural areas were recorded in North-East and South-Muntenia regions (60.0%, respectively 57.2%). At the end of the school year 2016-2017, 153.6 thou pupils graduated upper secondary education, increase with 0.6% as against the previous school year.

Most of the upper secondary education graduates (89.7%) were attended full-time education classes. Data on upper secondary graduates outline that about one half of pupils were attended in the theoretical pathway classes (51.3% of total number of graduates), 41.1% attended technological pathway classes, and 7.6% of total graduates were studying in vocational highschools.

The graduates in number of 141.2 thou have taken the Baccalaureate exams, of which 121.8 thou were from the 2017 class (86.3%). 100.8 thou persons passed the Baccalaureate exams (71.4%). Of the total 2017 class graduates, 94.6 thou persons (77.6%) passed the Baccalaureate examination.

Vocational education was graduated by 19.4 thou pupils, of which 97.2% were attended in public education school units, and only 2.8% attended the private vocational education institutions classes. Post-secondary and foremen education was graduated by 32.0 thou pupils, of which 64.3% were attended in public education units, and over one third (35.7%) were attended in private education institutions.

Tertiary education degree graduates counted for 121.3 thou students. Female students represented 59.2% of the total number of degree graduates. Most of the tertiary education degree graduates came mainly from business, administration and law faculties (27.7%), engineering, processing and construction (18.2%), respectively health and social assistance (11.6%).

In the year 2015, financial resources needed to carry out the education process and allotted for the functioning of the school units within the national education system were provided mostly (90.5%) from public funds (from the state budget and the local budgets) and also from the educational institutions’ other sources (9.5%). By type of public and private institutions’ expenses, the greatest share of total educationrelated expenses was held by current expenses (94.3%), followed by capital expenses (5.7%).
