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IntMin Predoiu presents measures to consolidate Schengen area to European Commissioner Ylva Johansson

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Catalin Predoiu, presented on Tuesday the measures taken by the Romanian authorities in order to consolidate the Schengen area, in a videoconference with the European Commissioner for Internal Affairs, Ylva Johansson.

Minister Predoiu mentioned, among other things, the very good results recorded in the implementation of the Pilot Project at the border with Serbia, managed by Romania together with the European Commission, the continuation of activities in order to strengthen the surveillance of external borders and combat organized crime, the support offered by our country to the member states in difficulty due to illegal migration, as well as the active and constructive support of Romania on various European files, according to a Ministry of the Interior (MAI) release sent on Tuesday.

Commissioner Johansson informed that the results of the Pilot Project are excellent, emphasizing the importance of legislative aspects and cooperation with Serbia, and thanked Romania for its involvement.

"The two dignitaries expressed their conviction that the concrete, practical results of the implementation of the project, as well as the good practices developed at the level of the Romanian authorities, will represent a valuable source of inspiration for other European partners. Moreover, the interim report of the Commission will present arguments in plus for increasing the confidence of the member states in our ability to manage migration in an efficient way", the quoted source informs.

During the dialogue, Romania's determination to complete the accession file to the Schengen area and the firm support of the European Commission to achieve this result by the end of this year were emphasized.

The Romanian official conveyed that the member states would be informed about Romania's efforts to strengthen the Schengen area during the meeting of the Justice and Internal Affairs Council on October 19.
