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PM Marcel Ciolacu, in Israel: I wish for a joint effort for the safe evacuation of Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip

Romania remains a steadfast state in its relations in the Middle East and maintains its attitude of peace promoter, but will unconditionally stand by its allies in difficult moments, Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu said Tuesday at the end of his meeting with his Israeli counterpart Benjamin Netanyahu.

"Mr. Prime Minister, Romania remains a steadfast state in its relations in the Middle East. That is why we are extremely concerned about the growing spiral of violence with terrible consequences on the civilian population, both Israeli and Palestinian. I would like to assure Romanians in our country that we maintain our attitude of peace promoters, but we will unconditionally stand by our allies and friends in difficult moments," said Marcel Ciolacu.

He stressed that his visit to Israel is an expression of solidarity with the Israeli people, following the terrorist attacks launched by Hamas.

"I have decided to come to Israel today because, in such difficult moments, as those currently experienced by the Israeli people, partners and friends must show their solidarity. The Romanian society, the community of Israelis in Romania and the community of Romanians in Israel mourn with you, Mr Prime Minister, the innocent victims, women, children, young people in their prime, following the terrorist attacks launched by Hamas. I convey our compassion for all these losses of human lives and for the many injured, among whom, tragically, there were also citizens of Romanian origin," said Marcel Ciolacu.

The prime minister pointed out that Romania has strongly condemned what has happened in Israel in recent days, and, together with the international community, calls for the immediate release of all hostages and kidnapped persons and the refraining from any further act of aggression, especially against civilian targets.

"Romania has strongly condemned what has happened in Israel in recent days, the level of atrocities committed by Hamas, a terrorist group that holds the Palestinian population hostage to satisfy its extremist interests. In this context, the Romanian Parliament was the first legislative body among democratic states to adopt in a joint session a declaration of solidarity with the Israeli state. Together with the international community, Romania calls for the immediate release of all hostages and kidnapped persons and the refraining from any further act of aggression, in particular against civilian targets," Ciolacu said.

Marcel Ciolacu also called for humanitarian corridors in the Gaza Strip. "I am convinced that the entire international community will get involved in opening humanitarian corridors and providing the necessary assistance to refugees," Ciolacu said.

He also thanked Prime Minister Netanyahu for the involvement of the Israeli authorities and for his support for the safe repatriation of more than 2,200 Romanian citizens from Israel.

In conclusion, the Romanian Prime Minister reiterated the "necessity and urgency" of a sustainable peace in the Middle East. "And I wish for a joint effort for the safe evacuation of Romanian citizens from the Gaza Strip, so that such moments do not happen again," Ciolacu added.


In his turn, Benjamin Netanyahu thanked Romania for its solidarity and said Israel will continue to assist the exit of Romanian nationals from Gaza, “to the extent that that’s possible.”


The quest for peace in the Middle East is something we share; such a peace will only be possible if this Caliphate, this Daesh Caliphate, is destroyed,” the Israeli PM also said.


Benjamin Netanyahu pointed out that the civilized world must stand united behind Israel and fight for the eradication of Hamas. He assured his counterpart that Israeli authorities will do everything they can to ensure the evacuation of Romanians from Gaza Strip, as long as thatis possible.


He also pointed out that peace will be possible when this “Daesh caliphate” will be destroyed. “Nobody can make peace with Daesh, nobody can make peace with Al Qaeda and nobody can make peace with the Nazis. They must be defeated when we have peace,” Netanyahu said.


The Romanian delegation to Israel also includes defense minister Angel Tîlv?r, foreign affairs minister Lumini?a Odobescu, deputy Silviu Vexler - president of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Romania, and the Romanian ambassador to Israel, Radu Ioanid.
