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IntMin Predoiu, Spanish Ambassador Perez-Solorzano discuss good cooperation in home affairs

Interior Minister Catalin Predoiu on Wednesday met Jose Antonio Hernandez Perez-Solorzano, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Bucharest, the country that will hold the rotating EU presidency in the second semestre of this year, the two officials having mentioned, during the discussions, the "very good" cooperation relations in the area of home affairs developed within the framework of the Strategic Partnership between the two countries, the Interior Ministry informed.

"The high level of cooperation at EU level and in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union was mentioned, with the two countries establishing mutual support for the objectives of interest, both in the framework of bilateral relations and in the context of the priorities of the agenda during the Spanish Presidency," reads an Interior Ministry press release sent on Wednesday.

The role of Romanian citizens residing in Spain in establishing and developing the special relationship between the two countries was also underlined.

At the proposal of Minister Predoiu, it was agreed to establish a permanent and direct dialogue with both the Spanish Interior Minister and the Spanish Ambassador in Bucharest.

