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President Iohannis promulgates law repealing special pensions of Mps

 President Klaus Iohannis promulgated on Wednesday the law repealing the special pensions of MPs.

The law, initiated by Social Democratic Party (PSD) deputy Alfred Simonis, amends Law No. 96/2006 on the status of deputies and senators, in the sense of repealing the provisions of Chapter XI that concerns the granting of the right to the entitlement for the age limit of deputies and senators.

"From the date of entry into force of the present law, the payment of entitlements for age limit granted based on the provisions of article 49 of Law No.96/2006 on the Statute of Deputies and Senators, republished in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No. 49 of 22 January 2016, with subsequent amendments and additions, shall cease," the normative act stipulates.

Law No. 96/2006 on the Statute of Deputies and Senators republished in the Official Journal of Romania, Part I, No. 49 of 22 January 2016, with subsequent amendments and additions, as well as those introduced by this law, will be republished in the Official Journal of Romania, giving the texts a new numbering, the normative act also establishes. 


The Senate plenary adopted on Wednesday the draft law on special pensions in the form adopted by the Chamber of Deputies.

There were 91 votes "in favour", 19 "against" and one abstention.

The Chamber of Deputies adopted the draft law on Monday, which was returned to the Senate on the grounds that several amendments have been adopted which "generate major differences of legal content" from the form previously passed by the Upper House.

The objective of the draft law is to calculate service pensions based on seniority in the specialist field, reduce the calculation percentage in relation to the income obtained and align the minimum contribution period with that applied in the public pension system.
