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Lithuania and Romania set to strengthen cooperation in the EU

The cooperation strengthening in the European Union (EU), the energy security and the Eastern Partnership were the main topics on the agenda of the meeting between Lithuania's President Dalia Grybauskaite and Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who is paying a visit to Vilnius, shows a release of EU's Lithuanian Presidency.

This is the first visit by a Romanian Prime Minister to Lithuania over the history of diplomatic relations between the two countries, shows the release on the EU's Lithuanian Presidency website.

Among the key topics of discussion was the Vilnius Summit to be held this coming November, during which the EU association agreement is expected to be signed with Ukraine and other similar agreements initiated with the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.

According to the Lithuanian President, the construction of the Romania-Moldova gas pipeline will contribute to Romania's economic integration with the EU. The pipeline will connect the Republic of Moldova with Romania and the European energy networks creating an alternative to expensive Russian gas, the release also notes. Secure and credible gas supplies will help this Eastern partner ensure energy independence and fend off external pressure more easily.

The meeting also touched upon the Lithuanian EU Presidency's priorities in energy sphere. Romania backs Lithuania's aspirations to complete the EU internal energy market, implement the Third Energy Package, and eliminate energy isolation of some regions, the document reads.

Romania also supports proposals to strengthen the EU external energy policy. According to the Lithuanian President, only in reciprocal solidarity and unity when speaking with foreign energy suppliers, will the EU member states be able to ensure the security of energy supplies and lower energy prices to consumers.

Dalia Grybauskaite also voiced her support to Romania's joining the Schengen Area, the release concludes.


Victor Ponta: Romania and Lithuania need to make better use of EU funds


Romania and Lithuania need to make better use of the European funds in order to be able to improve their infrastructures, Prime Minister Victor Ponta stated on Tuesday, after meeting his Lithuanian counterpart Algirdas Butkevicius.

'European funds represent another extremely important topic for both countries, because we need to make investments, especially in infrastructure [...] During our meetings I received a very good news for Romania: the Committee of the Regions of the European Parliament adopted the proposal sent by the committees and the Council to accept the 'N+3' formula in the case of Romania and Slovakia. This is very good news for us: of course, the last step will be represented by the vote in the European Parliament, while this will offer Romania the chance to make better use of the financial resources corresponding to the 2007-2013 time span and also to prepare better for the next interval, 2014-2020. Romania and Lithuania both need to use European funds to improve their infrastructures, and I'm referring now not only to roads, but to energy as well and to all the other areas that need improvement. We will work to make this possible and I am very thankful for the fact that the good news related to this partnership that concerns Romania came during the Lithuanian presidency', said the Romanian head of the Executive.

Moreover, he underscored that the European policy in the energy field represents a priority for both countries.

'We are also heading in the same direction related to the new European policy in respect to energy independence. Romania, the same as Lithuania, or Poland, and other countries too, we all promoted the research in the field of non-conventional energy resources. And I mean here especially the shale gas. We are making efforts together to ensure our countries energy independence', Victor Ponta added.


Romania will support Lithuania to become non-permanent Security Council member


Romania will support Lithuania to become a non-permanent Security Council member, Romanian Premier Victor Ponta told the joint news conference he gave together with his Lithuanian counterpart Algirdas Butkevicius.

'It is our responsibility, of both these governments, to improve the economic relations between our countries, but also the political relation. ... Romania will be a supporter of Lithuania's candidacy to becoming a non-permanent Security Council member and I am happy that we can vote for your country. We know that we can always rely on each other and that we can coordinate political efforts internationally. We are EU partners, NATO partners, but we must also develop the bilateral relation,' said Premier Victor Ponta.

He also appreciated the efforts made by Lithuania to develop and increase the level of the living standards.'I think that together we can do even more for our peoples,' added Ponta.


PM Ponta hopes Lithuania's EU presidency sees major decisions on Rep. of Moldova's European integration

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta declared on Tuesday in Vilnius that he hopes that under the Lithuanian presidency the EU will adopt major decisions related to the Eastern Partnership, the Republic of Moldova's European integration included.

''Romania and I, my Government, have great expectations from it (the Vilnius Summit - editor's note) as regards a EU decision with respect to the Republic of Moldova, which is a priority for Romania. We, from a historical viewpoint, have very many ties and positive feelings towards this region, we have an enduring cultural and economic relation and we are an important promoter of the European Pact for the Republic of Moldova,' Ponta told a joint news conference with Lithuanian counterpart Algirdas Butkevicius on Tuesday.

Ponta continued: 'We are highly confident that the European Union, under the Lithuanian presidency would, with very much courage adopt a decision with respect to this partnership, which is the most important one for Romania, namely the Republic of Moldova's European integration.'

The Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnus due at the end of this November is expected to make a decision on the sealing of the Republic of Moldova - EU Association Agreement.


