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Maia Sandu presented the draft National Security Strategy of the Republic of Moldova: ''We must be ready!''  

President Maia Sandu presented on Wednesday in the meeting of the  Security Supreme Council  in Kishinev the draft of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Moldova, based on three objectives, meant to consolidate the security ‘ in the most dangerous moment since independence’ of the republic, says Deschide.md and Newsmaker.

‘The Republic of Moldova must decide on which side of the world it wants to be. The state benefits of help from Romania, France, Germany and the US, but the security of the citizens is ‘ in our hands’ and ‘ we must be ready’, stated Maia Sandu showing that the draft of the National Security Strategy of the Republic of Moldova is going to go under public consultations.

She mentioned that the mission of the authorities presented in the Security Strategy relies on three essential objectives.

The first aims at the protection and guarantee of the citizens’ safety. The second is the creation of a strong and respective state, and the third objective is accession to the European Union. ‘ We have two big dangers today at the address of national security: the aggressive policy led by the Russian Federation against our country and against peace, in general, and the corruption embedded in the Republic of Moldova’ she said.

Maia Sandu mentioned that through the National Security Strategy, the authorities will act in different directions. Among these, there is the increase of investments and the strengthening of the defence and security sector, the gradual progression of the solution to the Transniester conflict, including the intensification of the fight against corruption and the creation of strong institutions which should apply the law.

When referring to Transniester, the president of the Republic of Moldova said that ‘there is no other way to solve the Transniester conflict but the peaceful one’ and asked Russia again to withdraw its troops from the left side of the Niester, according to Deschide.md.

At the same time, she said that the Republic of Moldova must develop security partnerships with its strongest allies.

‘EU is one of the basic pillars of the security in Europe. In this context, we appreciate our privileged, profound and multi-dimensional strategic partnership with Romania in the domain of security and defense. (…). We will develop a strong partnership with Ukraine as well, to whom we show our solidarity and friendship. Europe’s security relies on cooperation and the NATO. We will continue to consolidate the partnership with the Alliance to strengthen our army’ said Maia Sandu.
