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Migration policies on agenda of IntMin Predoiu's talks with Danish delegation

 Issues related to the migration policies of Romania and Denmark were the main topic discussed during the meeting that the Minister of Internal Affairs, Catalin Predoiu, had with a Danish delegation, which included Henrik Ankerstjerne, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Immigration and Integration, Nicolaj A. Hejberg, he Special Representative on Migration and Refugees, and Mr. Uffe A. Balslev, the ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark in Bucharest.

Minister Predoiu highlighted the interest that Romania has in this field and the way in which our country has always shown solidarity with countries under pressure from migration, responding positively to all requests for support from the European Commission or bilaterally, reads a press release from the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI) sent on Thursday.

He presented aspects related to Romania's migration policy, with emphasis on the interest in its external dimension and in strengthening cooperation with partners in EU third countries.

The Danish Secretary of State also presented elements related to the migration and asylum policy he is implementing, presenting a number of ideas on how to effectively manage the increasing migration flows at the EU's external borders.

The Danish partners expressed their support for Romania's accession to the Schengen area, voicing their appreciation for the efforts made by our country in securing the EU's external border.

During the meeting it was decided to continue the bilateral dialogue on this issue and to coordinate the positions expressed in the dedicated working formats both at European and international level.

