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National Anti-Fraud Strategy for the Protection of EU Financial Interests in Romania 2023-2027, approved by gov't

The national anti-fraud strategy for the protection of the financial interests of the European Union in Romania, 2023 - 2027, was approved on Thursday in the government meeting, the Executive informs, in a statement sent on Friday.

"The Anti-Fraud Department (DLAF) is the national anti-fraud coordination service and the contact institution with the European Anti-Fraud Office that ensures, supports and coordinates, as the case may be, the fulfillment of Romania's obligations regarding the protection of the financial interests of the EU, according to the provisions of art. 325 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU," the press release reads.

The National Anti-Fraud Strategy (SNLAF) aims to coordinate fraud prevention efforts, undertaken by all national partners, for a high and healthy absorption of European funds, including those allocated to Romania through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, as well as for a full budgetary contribution of Romania to the EU budget.

The general objectives of SNLAF aim at the prevention and detection of fraud, administrative investigation and criminal prosecution, the recovery of funds and the imposition of sanctions, the Executive also says.

