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Official launch în Bucharest of the Energy Exploration Center (Center E2)

Romania will be a hub for education and training of specialists for the next phase of the installation of civil nuclear reactors in Romania and Europe, US Ambassador Kathleen Kavalec said Friday at the Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB).

It is great to see Romania using state-of-the-art American nuclear technology, which is another indicator of how far our partnership has come. The SMR simulator will be a valuable tool for both students and professionals as we prepare for the construction and operation of the Doiceti SMR plant. The simulator will also help Romania become a centre for SMR technology in the region and beyond, as well as a base for supporting the operation of this new technology in other countries, the US ambassador said.

Kathleen Kavalec was at UPB on Friday to inaugurate Europe's first Energy Exploration Centre (E2 Centre), which hosts the NuScale Small Modular Reactor (SMR) simulator.

According to the diplomat, SMR plants offer a flexible, scalable and cost-effective solution that can complement renewables and provide clean energy in harder-to-reach areas.

The E2 Centre, which hosts the NuScale small modular reactor simulator, will prepare and train the next generation of nuclear engineers, operators of advanced civil nuclear technology. Thus, Romania will be a hub for the education and training of specialists for the next stage of the installation of civil nuclear reactors in Romania and Europe. An innovative learning environment will be created, which will support the development of the necessary workforce and will the practical implementation of nuclear engineering and science principles, simulating real-world nuclear power plant operation scenarios, the US ambassador went on to say.

Kathleen Kavalec said that the SMR simulator is an innovative learning environment that provides users with a practical opportunity to apply the principles of nuclear science and engineering through simulated real-world nuclear power plant operation scenarios.


