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Over 1300 fims from 40 countries present in the Astra Film Festival anniversary edition

The anniversary edition of Astra Film Festival to be held between October 15 and 22, in Sibiu, proposes over 250 top cinema events, this year's selection including over 130 films from 40 countries.


This year's selection includes ver 130 films from 40 countries, presented in four competition sections and special programs. 75 national premieres and films already prizes at Sundance, Cannes, Berlinale or IDFA. The program is completed by full-dome films, exhibitions, concerts, parties and surprize events during 8 days of festival,”the press release mentions.


In the four competition sections of Astra Film Festival of Sibiu, such as “Romania”, “Documentary film emerging voices”, “Central and Eastern Europe”and “DocSchool”, 43 films were selected, of which 31 are world, European or national premieres.

The International Documentary Film Festival of Sibiu, launched in 1993, as an innovating project, is one of the most important film festivals for non fiction films in Europe, included by European Film Academy on the list of festival that are entitled to make direct nominations for European Film Awards.


Astra Film Festival is under the High Patronage of Romania's President, is organized by Astra Film, CNM Astra and Astra Film Foundation, offered by the Ministry of Culture – strategic partner, with the support of Sibiu County Council, the Naional Cinema Center, of the German Consulate in Sibiu and the Film Makers'Union.


The event is co-financedby Sibiu Local Council and Sibiu Twn Hall and by the European Union through Creative Europe Program.

