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Plan to reduce budget deficit will first be presented to ruling coalition, then to European Commission

Prime minister Marcel Ciolacu said on Saturday, in Cornu commune, that the minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, has not yet presented him with the plan of measures to reduce the budget deficit, a document that will be presented first in the governing coalition, and then it will be discussed with the European Commission.

"I have not seen it, do you know it? Mr. Bolos did not present it to me. Mr. Bolos presented the principles to me, principles that I also discussed at the Commission, but concrete measures... I did not have seen them and we decided that first we present them in the coalition and then he will leave with them," stated Ciolacu, answering a question from the press.

Also, referring to the fiscal amnesty, prime minister Ciolacu emphasized that "it is for the first time in the post-December history that discounts for high-payers were also adopted".

"You saw that we came for the first time in the post-December history, after the Revolution, with discounts for the good payers. It is the first time that we have this creation of balance between the bad payers, but also for the good payers. The frequency of tax amnesties and these measures at the EU level is around three years," said prime minister Marcel Ciolacu.

On Saturday, the head of government paid a visit to the Professor Cristea Stanescu Secondary School in Cornu commune, southern Prahova County to see the stage of its preparation for the new school year.

