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President Iohannis on official visit to Chile, second stage of his South American tour

President Klaus Iohannis made, on Saturday, an official visit to Chile, the first of this level in the last 10 years.

The official visit to Chile is the second stage of the tour that the Romanian president is carrying out in South America.


President Klaus Iohannis declared on Saturday that he agreed with his Chilean counterpart, Gabriel Boric, the development of cooperation between Romania and Chile in areas such as trade, investments, green energy, environment and climate change, civil protection, education, culture, research, innovation and digitization.

"There are promising prospects for the expansion of our bilateral relations on multiple levels and we have agreed that in the coming period we will develop cooperation in important fields for both Romania and Chile. I am referring to the development of trade exchanges and investments, green energy, environment and climate change, to civil protection, education, culture, research, innovation and digitalization. I am convinced that we will continue to work together to encourage businessmen from Chile and Romania to start joint projects both bilaterally and on the markets third", said the head of state, at La Moneda Palace, after the meeting with his Chilean counterpart, Gabriel Boric.

He stated that the development of partnerships between local authorities in Romania and Chile is also encouraged.

President Iohannis pointed out that Chile is one of Romania's traditional friends in the Latin American region and an economic partner with an important potential. He mentioned that 100 years of bilateral relations will be celebrated in 2025.

