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Senior official Iulian Fota, in Italy talks about further support for Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia

The secretary of state for Strategic Affairs with the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Iulian Fota, on a visit to Italy between April 19-21, held talks with Maria Tripodi, secretary of state at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade of Italy, about the deterioration of the regional situation of security, a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) sent on Friday, reads.

The two officials discussed the strengthening of the bilateral cooperation, the deterioration of the regional security situation as a result of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, measures to boost security in the Black Sea region, strengthening NATO's position on The Eastern Flank, the continuation of support for Ukraine, but also for the Republic of Moldova and Georgia.

Security challenges in the Western Balkans, the Middle East and Africa and actions within NATO and the EU to counter them were also addressed. In this context, the Romanian secretary of state thanked Italy for its contribution to the strengthening of NATO's deterrence and defense position in Romania and security in the Black Sea and Western Balkans, the MAE says.

Iulian Fota also went to the NATO Joint Command in Naples, where meetings were held with the head of the command, Admiral Stuart Munsch, and his deputy, Lieutenant General Stephen Kelsey. On this occasion, the implementation of the decisions of the NATO Summit in Madrid regarding the strengthening of the allied posture of deterrence and defense and security in the extended Black Sea region were addressed, as well as relevant elements for the preparation of the NATO Summit in Vilnius.

Secretary of state Iulian Fota appreciated the efforts of the NATO military, including the Romanian ones, to put into practice the decisions aimed at strengthening the Alliance's support for Romania's security, but also the special contribution to these efforts of the Romanian military in the structure of the Naples Command. The discussions highlighted the fact that Romania's security is guaranteed and that every inch of the national territory is and will be defended, the mentioned release adds.

