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President of Montenegro voices appreciation for Romania's continued support in the European integration process


President of Montenegro Jakov Milatovic thanked Romania, at the end of an official meeting with President Klaus Iohannis, for its support in the European integration process.

"I would like to express my sincere thanks for his visit to Montenegro just a few months after my official visit to Bucharest. This visit is of great importance, as it is the first official visit of a Romanian President to Montenegro since the restoration of independence, thus being a strong sign of friendship and partnership between our countries. We greatly appreciate Romania's continued support for our European integration and support for the European Union's enlargement policy. Your support, Mr. President, gives us an additional impetus on our accession path, with the aim of becoming the 28th member by 2028," said the Montenegrin head of state.

He thanked, at the same time, the Romanian Government for its contribution in this regard, emphasising that, owing to the partnership with countries such as Romania, Montenegro has managed to make evident progress towards a united, safe and prosperous Europe.

"I hope that President Iohannis will not mind if I mention what he told me during my stay in Romania: not to continue the enlargement process would be a big strategic mistake for the European Union. I fully agree with this assessment and I believe that if anyone truly understands the geopolitical complexities and potential threats it is our friends in Romania. Despite its demanding and sensitive geopolitical position, Romania has made the most of the opportunities offered and used the enormous potential of its people to also build a strong state in the European Union," president Jakov Milatovic said.

He expressed his deep respect for the impressive progress Romania has made.

"Your successes are indeed an inspiration and motivation not only for Montenegro, but also for the rest of the countries in the region. What is particularly important is the way you have managed to balance the preservation of Romania's rich tradition and cultural specificity, while at the same time preserving and upholding the sovereignty not only of your country, but of the whole of Europe. As a NATO ally, we are grateful for this," Jakov Milatovic said.

When it comes to economic cooperation, he added, there is a great opportunity for both countries.

"Although current trade is below potential, I am convinced that we can open new chapters in our economic relations. Foreign direct investment and joint projects are a way to further connect our economies and strengthen ties between our peoples. As NATO allies, we share common values of security and stability. (...) Romania has shown its commitment to preserving peace and stability on our continent. Montenegro remains firmly committed to these objectives, supporting the Alliance and the principles of collective security on which it is based," the Montenegrin president said.

