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Romania, Bulgaria agree on establishing regional command for NATO Black Sea special forces

In Washington DC on Wednesday, Romania's Defence Minister Angel Tilvar and his Bulgarin counterpart signed a memorandum of understanding on the establishment of a Headquarters Regional Special Operations Command Component (HQR-SOCC) for NATO Special Operations Forces in the Black Sea region, the Romanian Defence Ministry (MApN) reports.

The two defence ministries decided, in accordance with the requirements, to set up a C2 SOF structure, which would reflect the common interests in strengthening security in the Black Sea region.

"The security and stability of the Black Sea region are a priority of Romania and the Alliance. Thus, together with Bulgaria, we will be an essential element for the coordination of the NATO special forces, thus strengthening NATO's deterrence and defence posture," Tilvar is quoted as saying in a MApN press statement released on Thursday.

According to MApN, when drawing up the NATO defence plans, the need for Command and Control (C2) departments in the area of Special Operations Forces (SOF) for the Black Sea region was identified, which would ensure the synchronisation of NATO efforts in the region.

The development of the HQR-SOCC is one of Romania's concrete projects for the consolidation of the NATO deterrence and defence posture on the eastern flank, contributing, at the same time, to increasing the Black Sea region relevance to NATO.




Friday, July 12, 2024