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Tilvar: There is currently no time horizon to compensate Romania for donating Patriot system to Ukraine

The Romanian Minister of Defense, Angel Tilvar, participated in the first discussions regarding compensating Romania for the Patriot system donated to Ukraine and declared on Thursday, in Washington, that there is currently no horizon of time for our country to receive a similar or an alternative system.

"There were discussions the day before yesterday [Tuesday] and yesterday [Wednesday] morning. The day before yesterday I also participated and led the first discussion that was to create the calendar of the negotiations and the main elements of reference. Regarding the time horizon I can't give you concrete elements now, because we haven't reached this stage of the discussion at this point", declared Tilvar in a briefing for Romanian journalists.

President Klaus Iohannis declared on Wednesday, during a conference at NATO headquarters, that "our wish is to receive another Patriot system in exchange, certainly not tomorrow, but in the relatively near future, but to compensate for the absence of the system on that we are giving now, I think we will be able to get systems that will be delivered faster and will ensure a better surveillance of the national airspace".

Asked if it is possible for Romania to receive another anti-aircraft defense system sooner, Tilvar seemed to confirm, using the expression "covering the needs that the Romanian Army has, in the situation in which we surrendered this system".

Asked if it is currently known when Romania will send the Patriot system to Ukraine, the defense minister replied: "I don't have this date, because this date does not exist at the moment".



Friday, July 12, 2024