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Romania supports reintroduction of customs duties on imports of cereals from Ukraine

The discussions of the minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea, with his Ukrainian counterpart, Mikola Solski, in online format, will begin on Wednesday, around 2:30 p.m., under the conditions in which Romania supports the reintroduction of customs duties for grain imports from Ukraine (accelerated safeguarding) and ensuring only the transit to the states that need Ukrainian grain.

Moreover, on Wednesday, the discussions will take place, at the European level, in the Committee of Permanent Representatives of the governments of the member states next to the European Union (COREPER II) for the extension of Regulation 870 adopted on May 30, 2022 by which products from Ukraine are exempted from paying customs duties and transit to the EU and third countries is facilitated.

The position of the Ministry of Agriculture was transmitted on April 12 by the minister of Agriculture, Petre Daea, to the minister of Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Daniel Cadariu, MAT being the institution that exercises powers in the fields of commercial policy and European affairs.

"We appreciate that our country has already adopted a series of measures to streamline the flow of products originating in Ukraine to third countries, therefore the proposal to renew trade liberalization measures after the expiration of Regulation 2022/870 on June 5, 2023 incubates following a series of sensitive aspects," the MADR letter reads.

In a press release sent on Tuesday, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Tourism announced that it requested, on April 11, MADR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) and the Presidential Administration, points of view regarding the extension of the provisions of the European Regulation on temporary liberalization measures of trade in addition to the commercial concessions applicable to Ukrainian products, but did not receive information regarding the impact of this regulation at the level of Romania, nor any other information to substantiate the aspects highlighted by MADR.

Romanian farmers requested the Agriculture minister, Petre Daea, in the context of the discussion with his Ukrainian counterpart, Mikola Solski, the immediate restriction of imports of agricultural goods of Ukrainian origin, at least until the reintroduction of customs duties, through bilateral partnerships with Ukraine.

Also, the Forum of Professional Farmers and Processors from Romania demands the separation, in Romanian customs, of the flows of agricultural goods according to origin or the separation of the flows at different time intervals, so that there are no overlaps with the logistic flows of products of Ukrainian origin and Romanian (eg: per weeks, even/odd).

The organization also demands ensuring the traceability of imports through a strict quality control and avoiding ambiguities related to the origin of agricultural goods by applying in these situations some forms of monitoring already in use, such as the Ro E-Transport system.


