Romanian-Austrian agreement for simplifying process of applications for taking over or taking back asylum seekers
The government approved, on Wednesday, an administrative agreement between the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Romania and the Federal Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Austria aimed at simplifying and reducing the duration of the processing of applications for taking over or readmission of asylum seekers.
The agreement facilitates the application of Regulation (EU) no. 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of June 26, 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the member state responsible for examining an application for international protection presented in one of the member states by a national of a third country or by a stateless person, signed in Vienna on August 23, 2023.
"The implementation of the Administrative Agreement approved by the Government's decision contributes to simplifying and reducing the duration for processing requests for takeover or readmission and represents a step forward in the effort to combat the abuse of the asylum procedure and secondary movements both at the national and European level. The Agreement establishes the practical methods for a more efficient application of the provisions of the Dublin Regulation between the Parties, the competent authorities for implementation, the procedural aspects and deadlines for sending and resolving requests for taking over or taking back asylum seekers, the procedures for taking over and taking back and responding to requests, the details and the methods of transfer, the exchange of information and documents, the method of communication between the competent authorities, as well as the establishment of a working group made up of representatives of both parties, who are responsible for the implementation of the Dublin Regulation," it is shown in a press release sent by the Government.
According to the note, Romania acts with "decision and efficiency" to manage migration flows, ensure the protection of the external borders of the EU, implicitly the internal security at the EU level and the safety of European citizens.