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The average net salary is dropping in August

The average gross salary was 2,219 lei in August, by 1.8% lower than in July, shows a press release of the National Institute of Statistics (INS). The highest values were recorded in oil extraction and natural gas of 3,948 lei and the lowest in hotels and restaurants, of 884 lei.

Why did the average net salary drop ?


The average net salary was lower in August than in July as in July there were offered occasional bonuses, including the holiday bonus, sums taken from the net profit and other funds, vouchers and present vouchers. At the same time, these drops were caused by the low production and lower collections. The indicator of the real salary for August 2013 against the previous month, calculated as a report between the indicator of the nominal net salary and the indicator of consumption prices was 98.3%. Against the month of October 1990, the indicator of the real salary was 120.9% by 2 percentage points lower than the one recorded in July 2013’ the press release of the INS says.

The most affected areas

The most significant drops were in the budgetary domain, in education (-1.3%) where the sums for payment by the hour were reduced and the contracts for determined period were signed as well as telecommunications, vehicles production, trailers and semi-trailers, the printing and the reproduction on magnetic support of recording (between 8% and 9%) and in the production of textile products, research-development, water transports, pharma production, collection and cleaning of used waters, other industrial activities (between 6-7.5%).

At the same time, there were increases of net salaries. They were felt in coal extraction, other extracting activities ( between 8.5 and 13%) and in the extraction of metall ores, real estate tradings ( between 4 – 5.5%) and in public administration and health and social assistance, where salary grew slightly in August against July, by 0.4% and 0.6% respectively.

