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The emergency ordinance regarding the parliamentary early elections was published on the Official Gazette

The emergency ornance regarding the parliamentary early elections adopted by the Orban government in the last meeting before desmission, was published on Friday in the Official Gazette. The interim chairman of PSD Marcel Ciolacu says that the party will inform the Ombasman after ‘ PNL legiferated electoral tourism’ by the publishing of the ‘ unlawful’ ordnance. ‘ The legiferation of electoral tourism by PNL must be stopped at the Constitutional Court’ Ciolacu says.

The OUG which provoked criticism on the part of PSD was published in the Official Gazette, ten days since the adoption in the government.

The date for early elections is established at least 50 days before voting.

The act says that in the country the elections take place on Sunday, while for the diaspora there are three days, Friday, Saturday before the date of the elections at national level.

Similarly, the electorate will be able to vote at any voting section in the country or abroad, on the basis of an identity acti valid on the day of voting.

According to the announcement made since the adoption of the ordnance was doubled the number of MPs of the diaspora – being four senators and eight deputies.

The OUG still includes the use of the electronic system for the prevention of the multiple vote, including for the early elections.

The deadline for the early elections date is 28 June, announced the vice chairman Raluca Turcan who also mentioned that a realistic calendar for this would be between 14 May and 28 June. Turcan said that early elections can take place at one with the local ones or at a difference of one day or one week.

‘On the constitution at the present moment, the deadline until the early elections can be overlapped with the local ones is 28 June as 28 June is the last day before we get out of the existence framework for the mandate of the local elected ones. The date is established through government decision and after that, depending on the calendar which comes from the Parliament ‘ said Raluca Turcan said for Digi24.

The Ombadsman Renate Weber  states that the institution will decide if they lodge a complaint or not to the Constitutional Court in connect to the ordnance regarding the early elections so that the OUG regarding the elections must wait in line.

“ It is something we will deal with. There are several cases which wait for an answer. We have several. There is an OUG regarding the health services, so we have several in the crisis’ Weber said.
