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The ministry of justice: between 2017 and 2019, almost 20,000 detainees benefitted from the compensatory appeal

Almost 20,000 detainees were released between 2017 – 2019 on the basis of the compensatory appeal, according to data sent by ANP to the ministry of justice. Out of them, 191 were convicted for trafficking with minors, 566 for rape and 73 were convicted for first-degree murder.

 ‘Between 19.10.2017 – 21.06.2019  from the units under the jurisdiction of the National Administration of the Penitentiaries were released, by use of compensatory appeal included in law/169/2017 a number of 19,849 people’ the statistics sent by the National Administration of Penitentiaries to the ministry of justice according to the answer given by Ana Birchall when asked by the liberal deputy (PNL – opposition) Florin Roman.

According to the data of the National Administration of Penitentiaries, 840 detainees released  on the basis of the compensatory appeal between 2017 – 2019 were convicted for murder, 73 for first-degree murder, 108 for unlawful imprisonment.

Similarly,  the statistics show that 87 detainees released on the basis of the compensatory appeal over the last years were sentenced for trafficking of people, 191 for trafficking of minors and 566 for rape.

During the same period there were released on the basis of the compensatory appeal 1460 detainees convicted for robbery.

The opposition required an extraordinary session of the parliament for the amendment of the legislation following the crime in Caracal. The opposition parties want to revoke the law of compensatory appeal.

According to the data presented by the ministry of justice, 1,300 detainees repeated infringement out of the total of 20,000 detainees freed on the compensatory appeal between 2017 -2019.Out of them, 39 are rapists, 7 sentenced for trafficking of people and 186 for robbery.

‘Between 19.10.2017 – 21.06.2019 out of the total of people who were released on the basis of the compensatory appeal, a number of 1,200 people repeated infringement and were taken to the units under the jurisdiction of the National Administration of Penitentiaries’ are the data sent by ANP to the ministry of justice.

Thus, 39 rapists repeated the offense, out of the total of 566 detainees sentenced for rape who were released on the basis of the compensatory appeal. Similarly, 12 detainees sentenced for first-degree murder repeated the offense.

Among the recidivists  there are seven detainees sentenced for trafficking of minors and for robbery 186. ‘Between 19.10.2017b- 21.06.2019 from the units under the jurisdiction of the National Administration of Penitentiaries were released on the basis of the compensatory benefits included in law /169/2017 a number of 19,849 people’ show the statistics sent by ANP to the ministry of justice, according to the response given by Ana Birchall when asked by PNL deputy Florin Roman.
