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The Romanian Foreign Affairs Minister met with Stoltenberg

The minister of foreign affairs, Luminita Odobescu stated that she discussed on Monday in Brussels with the NATO general secretary, Jens Stoltenberg including about the fact that Alliance needs to continue to monitor closely the security evolutions in the region.


 ‘The security situation at the Romanian borders and in the region of the Black Sea represented the central point of the dialogue’ the head of Romanian diplomacy said.

She stated that she expressed her worry about the continuous deterioration of the security climate and stability in the area, as a result of the continuation by Russia of the military invasion on Ukraine and the assertive and provoking behavior of Moscow concerning the Alliance and the NATO partners in the region.

Thus, the Romanian minister underlined the necessity that the Alliance            ‘continues to monitor closely the security evolutions in the region and accelerate the efforts for the complete implementation of the decisions of the NATO summits in Madrid and Vilnius regarding the reinforced and effective forward defence’.

‘When I referred to the security issue at the Black Sea, we mentioned the direct risks regarding the security of our country and the recent incidents with Russian drones on our territory’ Odobescu said.

Similarly, the Romanian official discussed about the importance of the support for Ukraine and the necessity to continue this support in the present difficult context for the neighbouring country.
