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U.S. Ambassador Hans Klemm inaugurated Thursday the sixth American Shelf at "Alexandru D. Xenopol" County Library Arad, the press release sent by the Embassy informs.  The Ambassador presented the gift of the American Shelf to Library Director Florin Didilescu.  The book collection includes133 titles offering access to classic U.S. literature, reference books about the U.S. and English teaching books.

Similar to the other five American Shelves in Botosani, Galati, Brasov, Sibiu, and Drobeta Turnu-Serverin, the American Shelf Arad will contribute to strengthening the U.S. – Romania strategic partnership through a better understanding of the U.S. history and culture.  It will serve as a venue in Arad for sharing common U.S. – Romanian values through interesting and interactive programs with American speakers.

“Donating a shelf of 133 books of American authors cannot repay the dreams and expectations and the waiting (for the Americans) that you and the people of Arad carried with you during those long four or five decades of darkness,” said Ambassador Klemm at the inauguration ceremony.

The American Shelves are a part of the U.S. Embassy’s outreach program throughout Romania and complement the nine American Corners.  American Shelves and American Corners offer authoritative resources about the U.S. and U.S. Culture, study in the U.S., as well as English language learning materials.
