What jobs are required on the work market
Thousands of people visited on Friday and Saturday the biggest job fair Top Employers which took place at Sala Palatului in Bucharest. ITcompanies such as Microsoft, Bitdefender or Dell, multinationals such as Accenture or companies in the auto industry such as Renault, as well as companies such as Pizza Hut or McDonals were present at the fair.
Young people, the majority freshly graduating from universities or in their senior years at university kept looking for a job to take the important step from student life lacking experience to that of young professional on the work market.
The issue of experience is valid in all domains.With Renault, for example, where they are looking from engineers to sales specialists or marketing, the requirement is of two years of experience. For the young people who lack experience, there are programmes of internship, training programmes.
Another thing which the young people should tick on their CV is foreign languages, and English has already become insufficient. In general, all employers require advanced knowledge of English, but another language as well. In Renault, French is practically obligatory for many of the job offers, as it is a French company.
Renault requires French and Accenture has positions for French. Other languages which are ‘ required’ are German, Spanish, Italian or Russina. In general, the multinationals require people who know at least two foreign languages spoken in the region where they exist. Chinese, for example, is not required in Romania.
Last but not least, the biggest employer at the moment is the IT domain. Jobs in IT companies are everywhere and they are well paid, as it is a rich and very profitable industry. The software developers, programmers are in high request. Last year, the IT market had a deficit of personnel so that the companies required the help of the government and the university environment to finance education in the domain and increase the number of students (Automatica, Informatica, Cibernetica).