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Neptun Deep will have rd 20 billion euros in contribution to state budget during project

The Neptun Deep project will contribute to the future of energy security in Romania and in the region and during the project it will have a contribution to the state budget estimated at approximately 20 billion euros, Christina Verchere, CEO of OMV Petrom, said.

"Neptun Deep is a strategic project both for us and for Romania. The final investment decision for Neptun Deep, made in June 2023, allows us to move to the execution phase of the project. This will be a paradigm shift for Romania and for the region, contributing to the future of their energy security. Romania will become the largest producer of natural gas in the EU," said Christina Verchere.

She stated that the next steps include the approval of the deposit development plan by the regulatory authorities, awarding the main contracts and authorizations.

Regarding the destination of gas volumes from this perimeter, Verchere emphasized that, due to its positioning, Romania stands out as an attractive market and, considering that the natural gas market operates at the European level, all available options are actively explored in European Union.

At the same time, the CEO of OMV Petrom stated that the Neptun Deep project takes into account any potential impact on the environment or on local communities.

OMV Petrom and Romgaz announced, on June 21, that they approved the development plan for the Domino and Pelican Sud commercial natural gas deposits in the Neptun Deep perimeter, which will be submitted to the National Agency for Mineral Resources for confirmation.

The two companies will invest up to 4 billion euros for the development phase of the project, which will generate a production of about 100 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

The first production is estimated in 2027. The production at the plateau will be about 8 billion cubic meters annually (about 140,000 boe/day), for about 10 years.

The perimeter of Neptun Deep in the Black Sea has an area of 7,500 km2 and is located at a distance of about 160 km from the shore, in waters with depths between 100 and 1,000 meters. Exploration of the perimeter was accelerated in 2008 and included two 3D acquisition campaigns and two exploration drilling campaigns. The first gas discovery took place in 2012.
