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EconMin Oprea: Azomures - an industrial capacity that can bring added value to Romanian gas

Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism Stefan-Radu Oprea met on Friday with the management of fertilizer producer Azomures, in the light of plans to start procedures for developing Neptun Deep, the largest natural gas project in the Romanian Black Sea.

"I stopped for a meeting at Azomures, because you all saw the announcement made by Romgaz and OMV, regarding the start of Neptun Deep procedures, as they signed the contract with a renowned Italian company to start drilling in the area. 2027 seems far away, but it is not, and we want to identify the methods by which we can bring to Romania the added value of the gas that will be extracted from the Black Sea. Azomures is one of those plants that can really bring added value to Romanian gas, and at the same time we need to reduce imports, because all the Romanian farmers need fertilizers," Stefan-Radu Oprea told a press conference.

The Economy minister said that this approach also encourages the purchase of Romanian products.

"'Buy Romanian' is one of the important values of the governing program, and we want as cheap as possible quality products here, in Romania," Stefan-Radu Oprea said.

The Azomures management said they had a constructive discussion with Minister Oprea.

"Both the current minister and his predecessor, Minister Spataru, supported the identification of solutions for Azomures to return to maximum production capacity at a time of energy crisis. Azomures is a major industrial gas consumer, transforming gas into the fertilizers the Romanian farmers need. This way, we want to resume production in order to add value to Romania's natural resources, a value that can be transferred to the locals, and help reduce inflation in the food industry," Azomures CEO Josh Zacharias said in a release.
