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Over 33,800 companies stricken off in Romania in H1 2023

As many as 33,895 companies were stricken off in Romania in H1 2023 , down 4.31% y-o-y, according to statistics with the National Companies Registry Office ( ONRC).

Most strike-offs were recorded in the city of Bucharest - 5,365 (down 4.32% y-o-y) and in the counties of Cluj -1,666 (up 6.52%), Timis - 1,534 (down 4.42%) and Constanta - 1,523 (down 3.85%).

The fewest strike-offs were reported in the counties of Ialomita - 202 (down 31.53%, y-o-y), Covasna -250 (down 21.14%) and Giurgiu - 260 (down 26 .97%).

The most significant increases in the number of strike-offs were recorded in the counties of Botosani (up 26.45%), Dambovita (up 24.26%) and Bacau (up 24.22%).

The biggest decreases in the number of strike-offs were recorded in the counties of Ialomita (down 31.53%), Giurgiu (down 26.97%) and Ilfov (down 22.34%).

By business area, the highest number of strike-offs was reported in wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles - 8,654 (down 9.28%, y-oy), professional, scientific and technical activities - 2,936 (down 0.03%), and agriculture, forestry and fishing - 2,773 (up 8.11%).

In June 2023, 4,865 company strike-offs were reported, most of them in Bucharest (835) and in the counties of Cluj (255), Timis (226) and Constanta (196). 
