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  • In July 2015, the average gross nominal earnings were 2563 lei, by 1.9% higher than the one registered in June 2015.

  • The average net nominal earnings were 1849 lei, increasing as against the previous month with 31 lei (1.7%).

  • The highest values of the average net nominal earnings were recorded in extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas (4907 lei), while the lowest in accommodation and food service activities(1088 lei).  

The average net nominal wage stood at 1,849 lei in July, up by 31 lei compared to June, data published on Monday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) shows. 

The highest values of the average net nominal wage were recorded in the field of crude-oil and natural gas extraction (4,907 lei) and the lowest in the hotels and restaurants sector (1,088 lei). 

The average gross nominal wage was 2,563 lei in July, up by 1.9 compared to June. 

In July 2015, in most economic activities, average net wages were higher than in June, following the legal provisions on the national gross minimum base pay, the granting of occasional premiums (including holiday premiums and bonuses for outstanding performances), amounts from the net profit and from other funds (including lunch tickets and gift vouchers) and the production performances or higher contract earnings. 

The most significant growth of the average net salary, 14.2pct, was recorded in the manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products, followed by mining with 14.1pct. 

Increases of 6-8pct were recorded in the field of storage and auxiliary activities to transportation, forestry and logging (including fisheries and aquaculture), repairs, maintaining and installing of machines and equipment, production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air-conditioning, manufacture of other means of transport. 

In addition, increases of 4.5- 5.5pct were recorded in the sectors of coal mining, hotels and restaurants, agriculture, hunting and connected activities, film, video and TV production (including audio recordings and music editing; programs broadcasting) , collecting, treatment and disposal of waste (including recovering recycling materials activities; decontamination activities and services), wood processing, manufacture of wood and cork products, except furniture (including objects made out of straw and other vegetal plaiting materials), clothing manufacture and constructions. 

Decreases in average net wages compared to June were triggered by the granting of occasional bonuses (including holiday bonuses), amounts from the net profit and other funds. Also, decreases in the average net wages were caused by the failure of production or lower earnings (subject to contracts), as well as by staffing with low incomes in certain economic activities. 

The most significant decreased of the average net wage was recorded in the sectors of manufacturing of computers and electronic and optical products - 10.9pct, editing activities, manufacture of beverages- between 9.5-10pct, printing and reproduction of recorded media, manufacture of rubber and plastic products, research and development, activities connected to extraction, the extraction of crude-oil and natural gas - between 2pct-4.5pct. 

In the public sector there were recorded increases in the average net wage compared to last month, as follows: in the public administration (2.2pct), healthcare and social assistance (1.3pct), following the enforcing of legal provisions from July 1, 2015. In the education sector, following the decrease in amounts representing the hourly pay of teachers during the summer holiday, the average net salary decreased by 3.4pct.
