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Current account deficit posted a deficit of 1.009 billion in January - November 2015

 In January - November 2015, the balance-of-payments current account posted a deficit of 1.009 billion, up from 440 million euros over the same period of 2014, the National Bank of Romania (BNR, the central bank) announced on Wednesday. 

The deficit widened as the primary income deficit advanced by 1.333 billion euros, and the goods deficit by 912 million euros. 

The long-term external debt at end-Novemer was 71.58 billion euros, down by 5.6 percent from the beginning of 2015; it contributed 78.5pct to the total external debt. The short-term foreign debt stood at 19.62 billion euros (the remaining 21.5pct of the total), up by 3.7pct over the considered 11-month period, while the overall external debt decreased by 3.543 billion euros. 

The long-term external debt service ratio ran at 35.6 percent in January-November 2015, against 38.6 percent in 2014. At end-November 2015, goods and services import cover stood at 6.4 months, as compared with 6.8 months at end-2014. 
