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Ecofin failed to reach unanimous agreement on a European directive against tax avoidance

At an Ecofin meeting on May 25, European Union's finance ministers failed to reach unanimous agreement on a European directive against tax avoidance, with a final decision on it postponed until June, Romania's Finance Ministry reported in a press statement on Thursday. 

"Public Finance Minister Anca Dragu on May 25 attended an Ecofin meeting in Brussels. The 28 finance ministers discussed a European directive against tax avoidance. Since they failed to reach unanimous agreement on the matter at hand, a final decision was postponed until the next Ecofin meeting in June," reads the statement. 

Dragu also attended a European Investment Bank's annual governors' meeting. "The first item on the agenda was the presentation of the annual activity report. EIB's support for the development of the private business environment was highlighted, including by participating in the Investment Plan for Europe," the statement says. 

Dragu took part, May 24-25, in an Ecofin meeting that discussed an anti-tax avoidance package, namely a proposal for directive by the Council laying down rules against tax avoidance practices that directly affect the functioning of the internal market, conclusions of the Action Plan of VAT called "Towards a single VAT EU area," along with the European Court of Auditors' "Special report no 24/2015: Tackling intra-Community VAT fraud: More action needed." 

Also discussed were the 2016 country reports and advanced analyses related to the European Semester 2016 and the implementation of specific country recommendations 2015.
