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EPPO's Kovesi, DNA's Voineag on improving fraud detection against EU financial interests

The head prosecutor of National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), Marius Ionut Voineag, met on Monday with the Chief Prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO), Laura Codruta Kövesi, at the DNA headquarters, context in which the two officials discussed, among other things, the cooperation between the two institutions with a view to improving the level of detection of fraud against the financial interests of the European Union, the development of joint projects, the operationalization of the support structures in Cluj and Timisoara and organizational aspects of EPPO activity in Romania, informs a DNA press release sent on Tuesday.

The EPPO delegation also included European Prosecutor Catalin Borcoman, Marius Bulancea, head of the Operations and College Support, Dana-Manuela Ana, European Delegated Prosecutor, coordinator of EPPO activities in Romania.

Also present at the meeting were Deputy Chief Prosecutors Monica Danciu and Tatiana Toader with DNA, Chief Prosecutor with the Section for Combating the Offences Assimilated to those of Corruption Paul Dumitriu, Chief Prosecutor of the International Cooperation and Programs Service, Alexandra Lancranjan, and Counselor of Chief Prosecutor Anca Jurma, the release said.
