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ForMin Aurescu: Romania firmly believes that justice must be done in relation to crimes committed in Ukraine

 Romania firmly believes that justice must be done in relation to all the crimes committed in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine, including the crime of aggression. It is not an easy path, given the legal complexity of the issue, but we are not discouraged in the face of difficult tasks, Foreign Affairs minister Bogdan Aurescu said on Tuesday at the summit of the leaders of the member states of the Coalition (Core Group) on the creation of a Special Tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine.

MAE said in a press release that minister Bogdan Aurescu reaffirmed Romania's unequivocal support for the fundamental objective of ensuring justice, based on international law instruments, and holding the guilty accountable.
Bogdan Aurescu stressed, in this regard, that Romania, as a country with recognized expertise in the field of international law, has responded promptly to the request of the Ukrainian side regarding the creation of the Core Group for the establishment of the Tribunal, actively participating in the discussions on this issue held so far, given the legal complexity of the problem.

The Summit of the Core Group Member States on the establishment of a Special Tribunal on the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine was organised by Ukraine in an online format. The participants are officials from the states that are actively involved in efforts to create a tribunal that will examine the crime of aggression in the context of the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine.

On the occasion of the Summit, a Joint Declaration was adopted reaffirming the commitment of the participating States to the importance of achieving the objective of bringing to international justice those responsible for planning and committing the crime of aggression against Ukraine and affirming support for a Special Tribunal with jurisdiction in this matter.

The creation of such a tribunal is necessary, given the current lack of an international jurisdictional mechanism to sanction the commission of the crime of aggression in Ukraine, as the Russian Federation is not a party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the MAE release further mentioned.

(Photo: mae.ro)
