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President of Moldova, Maia Sandu, meets European commisioner for transports, Adina Valean

Maia Sandu, the president of Moldova, had a meeting in Chisinau, on Tuesday, with Adina Valean, the European commissioner for transports, with whom she discussed about “roads, bridges and railways which literally unite us,” according to a press release of Moldova's Presidency.


The head of state mentioned that, as an associate member of that mechanism, Moldova will receive financing for the construction, development, modernization and completion of trans European networks in the fields of transports, energy and IT.


Adina Valean, who is on a visit to Chisinau on the occasion of Europe's Day, signed together with Moldova's premier, Dorin Recean, the affiliation of Moldova to the Mechanism for European Interconnection, an accord which will facilitate Moldova's access to European funds for major infrastructure projects, with a view to improving its interconnection with Europe and within the country as well.


Over May 10-11, European commissioner Adina Valean will be in Romania to visit Constanta Port, to hand out Romanian beneficiaries two grants financing military mobility actions, in the presence of Sorin Grindeanu, deputy prime minister and minister of transports, according to an EC press release.


The two projects refer to designing and building the Ungheni bridge and modernizing railway infrastructure in Constanta port, an essential crossing point within the EU-Ukraine solidarity corridors.
