Eurostat: Romania, among EU states with the highest current account deficit, in 2nd quarter of 2019
14 EU member states recorded current account deficits in the second quarter of 2019, with the highest ones recorded in the UK (minus 27 billion euros), Ireland (minus 26.5 billion euros), France (minus 3.9 billion euros), Finland (minus 3.6 billion euros) and Romania (minus 3.4 billion euros), according to data published on Friday by the European statistical office Eurostat.
Overall, EU 28 recorded a current account surplus of 40.9 billion euros in April-June 2019 (1 per cent of the GDP), down from a surplus of 47.4 billion euros (1.2 per cent of the GDP) in the first quarter of 2019 and from a surplus of 67.6 billion (1.7 per cent of the GDP) in the second quarter of 2018.
A number of 14 states, including Romania, recorded current account deficits in the second quarter of 2019, and 13 member states recorded current account surpluses, the highest such surpluses having been recorded in Germany (59.9 billion euro), Italy (14.9 billion euro), the Netherlands (13.6 billion euro), Spain (10.9 billion euros) and Denmark (7.2 billion euro).