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Eurostat: Romania and Slovakia, on the last places in the EU to the share of journalists in the total number of employed persons

In 2019, there were almost 0.4 million journalists in the 21 EU Member States with available data, representing 0.2% of the total EU employment. As readers expect rapid updates on the coronavirus pandemic, they are set for a double challenge: informing the public whilst also being affected in their work by coronavirus restrictions.

In terms of economic activities associated with journalism, 1.1 million were employed in the 27 EU Member States in publishing activities such as the publication of books, newspapers, magazines and journals. This is equivalent to 0.5% of total EU employment.

Among EU Member States, Germany recorded the highest share of people employed in publishing activities (1.3% of total employment), followed by Finland and Sweden (both 0.7%) as well as Denmark (0.6%).

The last places in the EU are Romania and Slovakia, where people employed in publishing activities represent 0.1% of the total number of people employed.
