FJR asks"immediate" intervention of the CSM: "Unprecedented attacks against judges and prosecutors"
The Association of Judges' Forum of Romania (FJR) sent on Monday to the Superior Council of Magistracy (CSM) a request to defend the independence of the judiciary against "the latest attacks of the leading representatives of the legislative and executive power, which materialised in the speeches of some political leaders on 9 June and 10 June, respectively."
According to a release of the FJR sent on Monday, the "immediate" intervention of the CSM is needed, as guarantor of the independence of justice in order to "stop the unprecedented attacks against judges and prosecutors."
"Taking into account that among the organisers of the rally which was held on 9 June there were persons who are placed under various criminal proceedings and the messages aimed directly at justice, with the clear motivation that the political power take over the independence of 'unreformed' institutions, the call to put an end to the so-called 'abuses' represents a form of pressure over magistrates who have criminal cases in progress, even in the deliberation stage, which represents an extremely dangerous precedent that cannot remain unsanctioned under the law," read the release.
The Association mentions that "the harshness of the political discourse, starting with labeling magistrates within some generalising allegations as being "corrupt," "Stalinist," "Securitate members," "torturer," culminating with the absolutely unacceptable term of "rats" represents an extremely serious slippage form the principles of democracy, and the entire "scenario" of the political rally, "the props" that was used and the so-called "will of the people" to protected "those who were elected" from legal means of criminal accountability, associated with the statements as "street fight", "go all the way" are shaping the image of a serious threat to the independence of justice."