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French ambassador Auer: 'The Picasso Effect' exhibition - a major event of 2023 cultural season

The exhibition 'The Picasso Effect - Romania's Contribution to the Pablo Picasso Anniversary Year 2023' will be one of the major events of the cultural season next year, French ambassador to Romania Laurence Auer told a press conference dedicated to the launch of the exhibition project on Wednesday.


The Museum of Recent Art - MARe provides a wonderful setting for presenting Pablo Picasso's works in Romania. 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the painter's death. It is therefore a great opportunity for Romania and for Bucharest City to welcome his works, together with New York, Barcelona, Malaga or Paris. This exhibition will obviously be a very popular project that will bring together very different audiences, said the French diplomat.

Culture Minister Lucian Romascanu applauded the organization by MARe of the Picasso exhibition, stating that this project is "a dream about to become reality", and that the Ministry will find legal fast ways to join the museum in this endeavor.

MARe director Erwin Kessler revealed that the exhibition is the result of approaches begun two years ago by the management of the museum, following a "personal research on American art". According to Kessler, no other personal exhibition of a first-rate international artist has been organized in Romania since 1968, the year of the Picasso exhibition in our country.

President of the Picasso Museum in Paris, Cecile Debray, said that 50 years after the death of Pablo Picasso (1881-1973), 42 dedicated exhibitions will be organized worldwide next year, showcasing the work, the figure and the influence of the iconic modern art pioneer, in France, Spain, the USA, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, in museums such as the Pompidou Center and the Guggenheim Bilbao, the Brooklyn Museum and the Beyeler Basel Foundation, the Royal Art Museum in Brussels and the Von der Heydt Museum in Wuppertal.


The Museum of Recent Art Bucharest, in collaboration with the Picasso Museum in Paris, will present between September 25, 2023 - January 8, 2024 the exhibition 'The Picasso Effect'; the event is sponsored by the Romanian Culture Ministry, the French Institute and the French Embassy in Romania. 46 works by Pablo Picasso - all coming from the Picasso Museum in Paris - will be put on display for the first time in Romania.

50 works by modern and contemporary Romanian artists will add to this show, testifying to Picasso's constant influence in the second half of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century.

A bilingual Romanian-French research catalog will also be published in connection with the exhibition, in cooperation with the Picasso Museum in Paris.

According to the organizers, 'The Picasso Effect' is a one-off national artistic event - the first time in the entire history of contemporary Romanian culture when masterpieces by Pablo Picasso will be presented for three straight months to the Romanian public.
