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The MApN has requested prior approval for the purchase of two H215M helicopters

The Ministry of Defense (MApN) has requested the leadership of the parliament prior approval for the purchase of two H215M helicopters, estimated value of the acquisition being 150 million euro, without VAT.

In the request sent to the parliament and discussed on Wednesday in the meeting of the reunited standing offices, MApN shows that ‘the present situation of endowment of the Romanian Army with military equipment needs the adoption of urgent measures, applicable coherent to ensure the adaptation of the system of acquisitions of military equipment destined to the endowment of the new conditions of the security environment and to allow the implementation of the missions and obligations commissioned to the Romanian Army, on a national and international plan’.

According to MApN, the acquisition of the H215M helicopters means the implementation of the Capabilities Targets dedicated to Romania in the NATO process of defense planning. Similarly, it contributes to meeting the objectives of the Programme for the transformation of the Romanian Army until 2040.

In this sense, by the acquisition of helicopters and surface fighting capabilities we will ensure the equipment with military destination and armament systems to increase the capacity to strike of their own and allied forces, creating the possibility of rapid and adequate reactions to the potential present threats, the document says.

“In this context, we are calling for Parliament’s prior approval for the acquisition of two H215M helicopters with anti-surface Warfare (ASuW) capabilities. The acquisition for which the approval of the Romanian Parliament is requested is to be initiated starting with 2022, in accordance with the provisions of the Government Emergency Ordinance 114/2011, depending on the existence of the possibility of financing/budgeting it. The value of the purchase contract, excluding VAT, was estimated at 150 million euros, based on the substantiation data collected so far, the exact amount to be determined following the conduct of the procurement procedure,” the request submitted to the Parliament’s leadership on September 7 reads. Signed by former Minister Vasile Dîncu.


The joint standing offices forwarded the request to the defense committees.

