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Gov't approves ratification of Romania - Kuwait Military Cooperation Agreement


The government approved on Wednesday a bill ratifying the Military Cooperation Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the State of Kuwait signed in Bucharest on December 7, 2022, the government informs in a release.

The agreement covers military cooperation between the Government of Romania and the Government of the State of Kuwait, in accordance with national legislation and the international obligations pledged by both states, based on the principles of equality, reciprocity and mutual interest.

The conclusion of the agreement strengthens efforts to intensify political dialogue and expand cooperation with Middle East states, in line with NATO and EU policies.

"The main areas of cooperation provided for by the agreement are: knowledge of domestic and international legislation and regulations regarding national defence; defence budget planning and implementation; training of the military and civilian personnel; organization and operation of transmission systems within the various categories of armed forces; logistics, the medical field, military history and archives, military geography and topography, military cultural and sports activities," the release states.
