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Governmental debt increased in February 2023 to 50.1% of GPD  

The debt of the public administration (governmental debt) increased in February 2023 to 706.524 billion lei, against 694.91 billion lei in the previous month, according to data published by the ministry of finances (MF).

As a percentage of GPD, the governmental debt increased to 50.1%, from 49.2% in January 2023.

In the second month of this year, the medium and long term debt increased at 676.91 billion lei, from 664.26 billion lei in January 2023 and the short term debt dropped at 26.61 billion lei from 30.657 billion lei in the previous month.

The largest part of this debt, namely 589.86 billion lei, was represented by government securities. Loans were worth 106.41 billion lei.

The debt in euro was 308.31 billion equivalent lei, that in national currency 323.26 billion lei and the debt in American dollars 73.7 billion equivalent lei.

The debt of the central public administration was, at the end of February 2023 worth 687.763 billion lei, up from 675.88 billion lei in January, out of which 658.19 billion lei for medium and long term. The largest part of the debt of the central administration was contracted in lei (308.68 billion lei) and in euro (304.13 billion lei, equivalent).

The debt of the local public administration dropped at 18.76 billion lei from 19.034 billion lei in January 2023, out of which 18.72 billion lei for medium and long term.
The domestic debt of the public administration was, in February 2023 334.91 billion lei (23.8% of GPD) out of which 320.99 billion lei debt of the central administration and 13.92 billion lei debt of the local administration.

According to the MF data, the external debt of the public administration was 371.6 billion lei (26.4% of GPD) out of which 366.76 billion lei external debt of the central public administration and 4.84 billion lei external debt of the local public administration.
